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How come “FUTA-Q QUALITY” is possible?

How come “FUTA-Q QUALITY” is possible?

Now, we introduce our own quality assurance system which brings forth “FUTA-Q QUALITY.”

1.Current Quality Control

We have an established quality assurance system which is ahead of rival firms and fundamentally supports FUTA-Q highly precise machining.

・Application of various ISO management systems.
(ISO13485、ISO9001、ISO14001) click here to see » certification

・Maintenance of managed manufacturing process using latest machines and measuring instruments of high precision.
(CNC three-dimensional measurement instrument, CNC image measurement device, surface roughness/shape profile integral measurement machine, projector, measuring microscope, durometer, herium leak detector, etc….)
Click here to see » machines

Under these systems, guarantee of quality is maintained by inspection and verification with the latest machines and various measuring instruments of high precision.

2.Effort to reduce human errors ~FUTA-Q human resource cultivation~

Rather than machines themselves, the quality of products is susceptible to skills of workers who utilize machines. We conduct a planned human resource cultivation on the CEO’s initiative.

・Each section makes an annual education plan. Not only personal reskilling, but also the growth of each section is expected.

・We nurture a wide variety of specialist by providing many opportunities of self-development and mutual cultivation.
 <Examples of activity>basic lecture of quality management, subscription to journals, attendance of various seminars, study meeting of technical skill certification

→These efforts make a wide variety of specialists, such as quality control, CAD/CAM, machining operation, polishing, and deburring.

・We nurture people who are particular about further creativity and techniques rather than simply obeying designated rules.

3.Effort to accomplish outstanding quality.

~From general manager of quality control department to you~

Compared with a time when ISO9001 was acquired, the quality management system has made us to improve quality of products, customer satisfaction, significant optimization by improvement of operational works. Also, we became able to work under the designated rules unconsciously.

Now, we confirm you that we will continue to nurture people who keep standardized works and improve the works in order to maintain “outstanding quality.” All employees cooperate together to be evaluated as “FUTA-Q’s outstanding skills” and “FUTA-Q’s superior quality.”


The network of industry-academia-government collaboration

~Expanding the corporate resources beyond the limit by the network~


For being a growing company that has the close relationship with the local community and society, and that can contribute to solve social issues.

We have been focusing on building the network of industry-academia-government collaboration with the great supports including certifications or subsidies from the government and universities, since having a research room in Kyodai Katsura Venture Plaza by the support from SME Support Japan in 2009.

Although being just a small and medium-sized enterprise having limited corporate resources, we have laid the foundation to keep taking on the challenge of a new business using the supports from the network for something we are lacking and giving back the fruits to society. We have been trying to acquire certifications or commendations as many as possible to give shape to this effort. The network is now giving us the knowledge that we could never reach and the opportunity for exploring a new possibility.

FUTA-Q will keep growing along with society.

医工連携により生まれた 単孔式腹腔鏡手術用鉗子 「DraCo」(特許第5710079号)

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