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Environmental report 2008

Environmental report 2008

The Message from the President

In the 20th century, the global environment was badly affected by mass production, mass consumption and mass disposal resulting from high-speed industrialization.
Experts say that the 21st century is an extremely important period in which to conserve an environment allowing all the live forms on the Earth to survive into the future. Futaku has set as its highest management priority to operate and make efforts each day so as to minimize effects on the environment and conserve the life-supporting global environment to thereby pass it on to future generations.
This document introduces Futaku’s conservation activities and their results for fiscal 2008. Thank you very much in advance for your understanding, and for your critical advice and guidance.

Ryozo Futaku
The President of FUTA・Q, Ltd.
May 15th, 2009

Actual performance records for working to improve environments in 2008

Environmental Improvement Aims Specific Activities Target Result Percentage of
result to target
Achievement rate, Rating
Consumption rate of auto fuel
1% up
(Average ratio from 2005 to 2007)
Unit: km/Litter
1.Driving eco-friendly
We stickered on our cars, which said “Stop idling”
2.We bought fuel-efficient cars instead of old ones.
12.05 13.43 111.5% Rank: A
Emission of scrap metals
1% down
(Average ratio from 2005 to 2007)
Unit: kg/\M yen ( kilograms per one million yen in sales amount)
We decreased the percentage of processing defects and left-over materials, and tried using them more efficient. 3.95 3.57 90.4% Rank: B
—— —— 3.12 2.71 115.1% Rank: A
—— —— 56.2 57.2 101.7% Rank: A
—— —— 12 12 100% Rank: A
—— —— 1 2 200% A

Description of specific activities (examples)

  • 自動車燃料については、4台の社有車毎の運行・給油記録により各車両毎の燃費を毎月集計し運転者に報告する事でエコドライブの意識が浸透した。
  • 廃棄金属(コロ)排出量の削減については製造部の加工時において不良の削減活動にも繋がったが、景気変動にて厳しい内容に変化し年度末を迎えた。
  • 化学物質(ジクロロメタン)の使用量削減では、協力工場での洗浄済品の再洗浄廃止や洗浄方法・時間の見直しと共に毎月の洗浄液使用量の目標値設定により節減に取組んだ。
  • グリーン購入については、購入推奨リストを作成し関係部署及び発注担当者へ配布しグリーン購入を推進した。
  • 工場内、周辺の清掃を毎月計画的に実施した。
  • 適切な地域環境イベントが見当たらなかったので、独自のイベント(工場近辺の国道・市道のゴミ拾い)を実施した。

Compliance with environment related regulations, lawsuits and complaints

As for the environmental laws and regulations concerned with our businesses practices, we check for the applicable laws, regulations and others annually, confirm compliance, and issue notices and reports to the authorities as required.
There were no questions, lawsuits and complaints from related organizations and those concerned.

Metalworking Inquiries
Proposal type metal processing Inquiries