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Environmental report 2014

Environmental report 2014

The Message from the President

While politics, economics, and the global environment have been rapidly changing, the issue of living environment is being revealed. We are now supposed to grasp environmental influence caused by nature power such as volcanic eruption, earthquakes, and torrential rain, and environmental destruction due to evolution of human lives as enormous issues.

We recognize that one of the most important management issues is leaving the comfortable global environment for future people by reducing burden on the environment in the business activity, and we do our absolute best. We herein report our environmental protection activities and these results in 2014.


Ryozo Futaku
The President of FUTA・Q, Ltd.
June 25th, 2015

The content and the achievement of environmental preservation activities in 2014

[ the Headquarters ]

Goals for environment improvement plan Specific policies Target value Result value Achievement rate Evaluation
1“Resource saving”
Electricity(electricity & oil)
CO2 reduction
(1% reduction from the result in 2013)Unit (t-CO2.)
1. Turning off unnecessary lights
2. Appropriate room temperature management
3. Controlling electricity with electricity consumption management system
40.55 39.47 102.7% A
2“Enlightenment activity I”
Clean-up activities in office buildings and neighbor.
More than twice/yr.
1. Conducting clean-up events (Office buildings and the periphery) More than twice a year 4 100.0% A

[ Kyoto Plant ]

Goals for environment improvement plan Specific policies Target value Result value Achievement rate Evaluation
1“Resource saving”
Electricity CO2 reduction
(1% reduction from the result during 3 months,
Dec.2013-Feb.2014)Unit (t-CO2.)
1.Turning off unnecessary lights 92.64 84.38 109.8% A
2“Enlightenment activity I”
Clean-up activities in factories and the periphery
(Every week/ improving the working environment)
1. Conducting clean-up events (factories and the periphery)
2. Giving guidance how to deal with mixed liquid of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid
3.Improving the condition of coating room
Every week Conducted every week 100.0% A

[ Yagi Plant ]

Goals for environment improvement plan Specific policies Target value Result value Achievement rate Evaluation
1“Resource saving”
Electricity(Electricity & oil)
CO2 reduction
(1% reduction from the result from the average of 2012 and 2013)
Unit (100machining hours/Co2)
1.Turning off unnecessary lights
2.Reduction in the use of oil heaters.
3.Observing the condition by using demand controlling system
3.858 3.637 106.1% A
2 “Chemical substances”
Chemical substances (dichloromethane) 1% reduction from the result from the average of 2012 and 2013
Per 1 millon yen sales
Unit (L/M\) Unit (%)
1.Adjustment of wash
2.coaching washing procedure/education
3.putting notice of desired value and achievement.
2.48 2.05 120.9% A
3“Enlightenment activity I”
Clean-up activities in factories and the periphery
(Every month)
1. Conducting clean-up events (factories and the periphery) Cleaning, weeding Every month Conducted every month 100.0% A

Goals for environment improvement plan Specific policies Target value Result value Achievement rate Evaluation
1“Enlightenment activity II”
Conducting event regarding environment
More than twice per yr.
1. C.E makes a plan, and conducts it. More than twice per yr. Conducted 3 times 100.0% A

Some examples of specific environment improvement activities

  • Every branch endeavored to save resources, such as electricity, gas, and oil, and reduce CO2.
  • In order to reduce the use of chemical substances, dichloromethane, we conducted education and coaching how to wash properly and maintain washing machines at Yagi factory.
  • Every branch planed and conducted cleaning events in which employees clean inside factories and the periphery.
  • The Committee of Environment organized some eco events, and conducted enlightenment activities.

Status of environmental compliance, complaints, and litigations

About environment related regulations, we investigated which regulations we needed to obey, and checked if everyone would follow them every year. In addition, we submitted the report of environment preservation activities.
Then, we did not receive any complaints nor litigations from other organizations and citizens.

Metalworking Inquiries
Proposal type metal processing Inquiries