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Environmental report 2016

Environmental report 2016

Message from the President

Nowadays, the entire earth has been rapidly changing due to effects of natural power such as earthquakes, torrential rain, and drought, and also environmental destruction caused by human lives. We are supposed to take the facts seriously, and initiate actions to improve life environment.
We recognize that one of the most important management issues is leaving the comfortable global environment for future people by reducing burden on the environment throughout the business activities and we do our absolute best.

We herein report our environmental protection activities and their outcomes in 2016.

Ryozo Futaku
April 25th,2017


The content and the achievement of environmental preservation activities in 2016

《Head quarters》

Goals for environment improvement plan Specific policies Target value Result value Achievement rate(%) Evaluation
1 Resource saving
Energy (electricity & oil)
CO2 reduction(1% reduction from the result in 2015) Unit (t-CO2.)
1. Turning off unnecessary lights
2. Maintaining appropriate room temperature
38.23 39.89 95.8 B
2 Enlightenment activities I
Conducting a beautification event (more than twice per year)
1. Conducting beautification activities within/around the building More than twice twice 100.0 A

《Kyoto Factory》

Goals for environment improvement plan Specific policies Target value Result value Achievement rate(%) Evaluation
1 Resource saving
Energy (electricity & oil)
CO2 reduction(1% reduction from the average from Jan.2016-Mar.2016)
Unit (t-CO2.)
1. Turning off unnecessary lights 109.68 108.2 101.4 A
2 Enlightenment activities I
Conducting an environmental event
(goal: every week)
Work environment inprovement
1. Conducting beautification activities within/around the factory
2. Promoting “3S” activities
12 12 100.0 A

《Yagi Factory》

Goals for environment improvement plan Specific policies Target value Result value Achievement rate(%) Evaluation
1 Resource saving
Energy (electricity & oil)
CO2 reduction
(1% reduction from the average from2014 to 2015)
Unit (t-CO2.)
1. Turning off unnecessary lights
2. Turning off unnecessary oil heaters
3. Controlling with electricity consumption management system
3.696 3.467 106.6 A
2. Chemical Substances
Chemical Substances(dichloromethane)1% reduction in the amount used of chemical substances
(Comparison of the average numbers from 2013 to 2015)
Per sales of a million yen
1. Improvement of detergent products
2.Educational training of clean-up method
3. Posting up a notice of a target value and achievement status
2.11 1.74 121.3 A
3 Enlightenment activities I
Conducting an environmental event
(goal: every month)
1. Conducting beautification activities within/around the factory
(including weeding)
12 12 100.0% A

*the Environmental Committee achieved its own goal by conducting environmental events twice last fiscal year.

A-Great (achieved 100% or more)
B-Insufficient (achieved 90% or more)
C-Non-conforming process (achieved less than 90%)

Environmental Policy 2015

Basic Principles

We strive to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of environmental conservation which is one of the highest priority worldwide issues, and continuously make an all-out effort for the reduction in environmental burden.


We make continuous efforts

1.We comply with environmental regulations and other agreed requirements.

2.Among environmental influences which are related to our business activities, products, and services, we mainly focus on the factors below, and enforce eco-friendly corporate activities.
  a. Resource saving and reduction of environmental burden
  b. Reduction of waste and recycling
  c. Maintenance management system of chemical substances contained in products and observance of regulations and laws
  d. Prevention of environmental contamination by control of harmful chemical substances
  e. Enlightenment activities and environmental events (e.g.: clean-up activities in factories and the periphery, volunteer activities)

3.We fully disseminate this policy to the employees and the public so that everyone can access and practice this policy.

4.We willingly join in regional environmental improvement activities.

In order to accomplish the policy mentioned above, we set environmental goals and make its achievement plan. We also promote and reevaluate the environmental management system.

the date of enactment April 1st, 2016
FUTA-Q, Ltd.
The President, CEO Ryozo Futaku

Corporate Profile

[1] Company Name: FUTA-Q, Ltd.
[2] Address:
33-3, Karahashi-keiden-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto city, Kyoto pref. 601-8454
Kyoto Factory/R&D Center
20-1,Kishoin-Uchigawara-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto city, Kyoto pref. 601-8392
Yagi Factory
8-1, Oyabu Shimokawaharada, Yagi-cho, Nantan city, Kyoto pref. 629-0152

[3] Business Outline:
Developing and manufacturing parts of precision instruments for various industrial fields. (e.g.: flow quantity control device for semi-conductor process gas, industrial analysis device, medical analysis device, analysis device for engine exhaust gas, pumps, device for resin molding, glasses)
[4] Representative Directors
Chairman of the Board: Hirokazu Futaku
President and CEO: Ryozo Futaku [5] Capital: ¥30million
[6] Employees:approximately 170
[7] History:
Mar.1917 Founded as a solo proprietor in Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto city
  Sep. 1975 Renamed as Futaku Precision Machinery Industry Company, and increased the capital to 4.5 million yen
May. 1986 Yagi plant completed
Jan. 1987 increased the capital to 30 million yen
Jun. 1998 Yagi plant received certification of International Quality Assurance System ISO 9002.
Feb. 2003 Acquired ISO 9001:2000 certification (Headquarters and factories)
Dec. 2004 Yagi plant received certification of KES environmental management standard step2.
Apr. 2009 Former President Hirokazu Futaku became Chairman, and former Vice President Ryozo Futaku became President and Representative Director
Jun. 2009 A laboratory at Kyoto University Katsura Campus Venture Plaza launched
Dec. 2009 Acquired ISO 9001: 2008 certification
May. 2010 built and moved to new head-office building
Dec. 2012 Kyoto Plant/ R&D center established
Jul. 2013 Acquired ISO 14001:2004 certification (Headquarters and factories)
Sep. 2014 Acquired ISO 13485:2003 (All locations)
Mar. 2017  Celebrate its 100th anniversary

1.Organization Chart of Environmental Management

Organization Chart of Environmental Management

2.The Contents of ISO 14001:2004 certification

First registration date:July30th, 2013
Registration number:C0166312-EM1

3.The contents of environmental improvement activities

Refer to Appendix table 1

4.Some examples of specific environment improvement activities

 1)Every branch endeavored to save resources, such as electricity, gas, and oil, and reduce CO2.
Regarding to activities of the headquarters, the goal was not achieved because of internal and external changes.
 2)In order to maintain safe workplace and reduce the use of chemical substances, dichloromethane, we conducted education and coaching how to wash properly and maintain washing machines at Yagi factory. The goal was achieved.
 3)Every branch planed and conducted cleaning events in which employees clean inside factories and the periphery.
 4)The Committee of Environment organized some eco events, and conducted enlightenment activities to educate employees.

5.Status of environmental compliance, complaints, and litigations

About environment related regulations, we investigated which regulations we needed to obey, and checked if everyone would follow them every year. In addition, we submitted the report of environment preservation activities.
Then, we did not receive any complaints nor litigations from other organizations and citizens.


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