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ISO : (International Organization for Standardization): A civil, non-governmental organization that aims to establish international standards for industrial fields other than electrical industries.





(a registration certificate copy)

ISO 13485:2016 Certificate Number : C0166312-MD9
ISO scope of certification : Headquarters/Yagi Factory/Kyoto Factory/Tokyo Office

ISO13485 :
Quality Management System which aims at supplying and manufacturing safe medical devices. It is a mandatory standard for medical manufacturers that export their products to the overseas.





(a registration certificate copy)

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate Number : TAQQ01-CCCQ01
ISO scope of certification : Headquarters/Yagi Factory/Kyoto Factory/Tokyo Office

ISO9000 :
ISO standards related to the Quality Management System (QMS). This system aims to control and administer the quality of manufactured products and services. Applied to the activities of the organizations whose central function is quality control, this series aims to realize customer satisfaction and continued improvement.





(a registration certificate copy)

ISO14001:2015 Certificate Number : TAQQ01-CCEE01
ISO scope of certification : Headquarters/Yagi Factory/Kyoto Factory/Tokyo Office

The ISO 14000 family addresses various aspects of environmental management.
It provides practical tools for companies and organizations looking to identify and control their environmental impact and constantly improve their environmental performance.
ISO 14001:2004 focus on environmental management systems.

Environmental Declaration

[Basic Philosophy]
The Yagi Factory of Futaku Precision Machinery Industry Company understands that the environmental conservation of the Earth is the most important mission common to the entire human population, and makes efforts to reduce adverse effects on the environment throughout the factory.

 The Yagi Factory of Futaku Precision Machinery Industry Company promotes environmental management actions based on the following policies to reduce environmental influences of activities, products and services related to the production and sales of precision mechanical components used in such facilities as semiconductor-chip manufacturing facilities, thus ensuring coexistence with the Earth and natural environment.

  • Futaku keeps aware of environmental influences related to its activities, products and services, promotes the prevention of environmental contamination, and proceeds with the continued improvement of environmental management activities.
  • Futaku complies with environmental laws and other regulations concerning its activities, products and services.
  • Among the environmental effects concerned with its activities, products and services, Futaku commits itself to the following important environmental conservation efforts.
    (1) Reduction in general wastes
    (2) Reduction in the use of water
    (3) Reduction in chemical use
    (4) —under construction —
    (5) Knowledge dissemination II (environmental event organization)
  • For each employee to be actively committed to environmental influence reduction actions, Futaku is convinced that these environmental policies must be known to all employees and promotes such policies to the public.
  • Futaku proactively participates in local environment improvement actions based on the Kyo-no Agenda 21 Forum Partnership.

Futaku sets objectives, reviews them periodically, and promotes the environmental management system to achieve the above policies.

Established on May 21, 2004 Revised on April 1,
2011 Noaki FUTAKU, Managing Director Yagi Factory,

Futaku Precision Machinery Industry Company

Metalworking Inquiries
Proposal type metal processing Inquiries